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This page will include pieces of writing from JMC 2033. All of these writing samples were developed in Fall 2019 in my Media Writing and Storytelling. Each sample was seen by my professor. 

In this writing simple, I created a short news story based on a news article that I found. Not only did I write it in an article form, but I wrote it into broadcast form. I learned the importance of fact-checking and how to simplify a story so that it can be said in one or two sentences. 

I created a PSA for SafeRide at OU where I used the format to the right to develop a 30 second PSA to emphasize the importance of getting home safe after any outing. I learned how to integrate sound and words in a way that flows together. I also learned about timing and how I could do it through this PSA.

Lastly, this writing sample was a persuasive ad in an attempt to persuade students that Bird Scooters were a great method of transportation on campus. I used persuasive language and developed a slogan to go with this ad. I also developed a visual that would go with the words. I learned how to bring to life your words and use descriptive language to make that possible. 

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